Hey Guys! So I thought I would take time to address a few questions that I get from you all pretty often when it comes to shopping for high end 1:1 quality replica bags.
But before we jump right in, let me explain what a replica is. A replica is a fake, knockoff, or a duped/copied item. If the original manufacturer didn’t create it, then what you have is one of the above.
And there’s no judgment coming from my way! Because I’m all about a high quality replica. Though I do own authentic bags as well might I add.
With all that being said, let’s get right into the questions.
So the most frequently asked is, how do you know that a bag is indeed a high quality fake?
That for me is easy, I read the items description thoroughly to see if the bag is made from genuine leather or the original manufacturer ‘s top grade equivalent materials. Most cases sellers want to insure to you that you are getting an item of quality so they make sure to include all details about the bags quality.
Next, consider the price. Does the price reflect an item of high quality? Remember, you get what you pay for! (Though I do understand that there are some shady sellers that will pass off low quality items as high quality at a high price).
Ask the sellers questions and study the pictures (if needed, ask the seller to send more detailed pics), the seller often doesn’t mind helping to re-assure your purchase.
Next, read the reviews! The reviews will almost always give you a good idea of what type of seller you are dealing with and the quality of the product that the seller is selling. Look for YouTube reviews as well! High quality sellers often these days allow bag enthusiasts to review their bags to generate traffic to their online boutiques.
But do shop around to make sure that you are getting a fair price for the bag you are looking to purchase.
My favorite sources I have used are:
I have even been lucky enough to find some really great items on DHgate at more competitive prices. Though my only gripe with DHgate is that it is hard to find consistency. Sellers are available one day and gone the next. Which makes it hard to develop a continuous buyer seller relationship.
I have only received top quality from these sellers I have listed.
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